Projects under development

Project 01: TacMAPP

The purpose of TacMAPP is to provide tactical planning, communication, navigation and real-time coordination in the real world for:

  • Paintball/Airsoft/ASG games: helping players improve their teamwork and cooperation, helping judges and observers monitor the game better than ever before, making sure players follow the game’s rules and do not cheat, and generally improving the satisfaction gained from playing those games for everyone involved.
  • Militia groups: helping them organize war games for training purposes, improving their navigation and coordination in combat zones, this includes militia groups in Ukraine for example, or mercenary groups, large private security details and military companies, who do not have access to military satellite systems.
  • For Police Use ( “TacMAPP P+”): a specialized version of TacMAPP purely for police use, currently under development by a company that is owned by a friend from the US, who is always helping us with the realization of the plan presented in our videos. (Details are further in the description)
  • For firefighters, rangers, rescue teams and others: improving coordination in action while dealing with a fire outbreak, or while performing search and rescue operations, especially in broad areas and difficult terrain.
  • For daily activities: jogging, exploring and any endeavours where you are exposed to the risk of getting lost or worse.

Early versions of TacMAPP are designed purely for use when you have internet access; future versions will allow users to use TacMAPP with limited features through network access via radio signal, eliminating the need for internet or any other network in the area, which will make TacMAPP a perfect app to use in desolate areas or in any potential post-collapse scenario, allowing people to plan and exchange tactical information on their digital devices, connected to ham radios.

TacMAPP devlog

Update from Randomguy157


Started devlog, TacMAPP is currently in pre-alpha. Nothing but the most basic ui has been implemented. Only location sharing and some basic features work.

TacMAPP + The game mode projects are on hold and will be resumed in the future because we were forced to reassign programmers to work over more important projects for our situation today. We are currently working over two platforms because it is an emergency: The platforms names are: “Polstrat Community Hub” and “Polstrat IntPost Service”

Project 02: A real-life Mass Multiplayer Survival Horror game

I designed this game to motivate people to get out of their homes and participate in outdoor activities, to socialize by cooperating with strangers from their teams, and to develop some skills related to teamwork, stealth and infiltration through real life activity. However, the main purpose naturally is to financially support the execution of the subsequent and more ambitious projects from the list presented in our Polstrat plan video series. This will be the first game of its kind in the world, which should boost the game’s popularity since lots of people will be talking and writing about it everywhere.

Project 03: Polstrat Community Hub

The Community Hub is a platform for networking, to help “aware” and “like-minded” people find each other in various regions around the world. The platform has a smart design, which makes the process of finding people automatic, and allows all the filtering adjustments related to the person's skills, interests, and will to join communities or find friends, while at the same time providing the security needed to protect the user’s identity.

The system will also allow recognizing people, based on their intellectual potential and understanding of the surrounding world.

The platform structure schematics are available here, if someone wishes to review them in order to understand how it will work: (ignore the broken English, it’s a work-file, I assure you in the final release everything will have a professional translation) Google Docs Comunity Hub Schematics ver 1.2 Description.png

The system will not be asking for information that may compromise any individual’s identity, so while operating on the platform your true identity will be safe assuming you don’t literally tell people who you as a user – really are.

IntPost is a platform to help us exchange and comment on news, intel and other material without censorship or political correctness which attacks us on any other social media platform. The system will allow the linking of your IntPost account to twitter and other similar platforms which will allow you to follow your subscriptions on the other platforms directly from our platform, where you will still be able to comment on news and posts from other platforms without politically correct censorship. This platform is very important to exchange important information in order to improve our organization in the future. Both platforms in the future will be integrated into the Polstrat Platform. The reason why we decided to set a priority on those platforms are:

  • People were joining our work team to find friends and communities, so we have plenty of people out there trying to find local friends.
  • The situation around the world may become much more unstable with the possibility of it escalating into something more, so we are setting up this platform to help you all with networking and finding friends or communities for the potentially difficult situation to come.
  • The platform should also grant us popularity since it will be the best networking platform available for “aware” people from all over the globe, providing security and the possibility to find quality people in their local area.
  • We are expecting people to invite friends onto the portal in order to bring in more candidates who could help with the forming of communities in various countries.
  • Also, people were asking us for something to deliver, so those platforms will be the first fruits of our work to help you all in those difficult times in the real world and hopefully to speed up the realization of the plan presented on our channel.
  • We will also use this platform for a recruitment ground, for those who are willing to work with us.

We hope those platforms will serve you all well, in the times to come, and help us increase our range because, we need to reach more people with the news of the existence of this plan. Community Hub should be ready in up to two weeks. We already delayed the platform opening because programing mechanics was more complex than what our programmers originally assumed. Thank you for your patience, we are doing what we can and as fast as we can